Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Episodes 1&2- Down the Rabbit Hole & Trust Me



For the first two episodes, I just want to catch up, so I am going to review both episodes in one post. I feel like the first episode, while vital to the show, really didn’t have a lot go on. I mean, I definitely recommend that everyone who is going to watch the show should also watch the first episode, but it was a little boring. There was a lot of background information: Alice has been going to Wonderland since she was a little girl, but no one in “real life” believes that Wonderland exists. She is gone for extended amounts of time, but her Father and all of the other adults assume she has just been running away to the city. When she is a young adult, she is eventually put into an asylum, because Alice continues to insist that Wonderland is real, and while there, she has gone on many crazy adventures and fallen in love with a genie named Cyrus. Because Alice claimed she wasn’t just trying to get attention, she is sent to the aforementioned asylum, where they try to break her, until the Knave, who is a scoundrel type character (think Han Solo or Captain Jack Harkness) who is basically a bad boy good guy (if that makes sense) rescues her and brings her back to Wonderland. See, the reason she went back to the “real world” in the first place is because she believed her love, Cyrus, to be dead. The Queen of Hearts pushed him into the boiling sea (literally, a sea with boiling water), and so Alice lost hope and left Wonderland. But when Knave rescued her (after previously hanging out in Storybrooke for a while [cross reference!]) he told Alice that her genie was still alive, and she fought her way out of the asylum like a boss. Other things that happened in the first episode: the Queen and Jafar are in alliance to get the genies bottle/magic lamp, since they already have Cyrus. The rabbit is sort of helping the Queen, because she keeps threatening him, the Cheshire Cat shows up, Alice offers Knave a wish to help her, they search for Cyrus… That’s basically all. Like I said, I would recommend watching the first episode. However, if you don’t have access, I covered the important parts, and I will be happy to answer any questions if you have any!
Now, the second episode: basically in this episode, Alice and Knave continue on their journey to find Cyrus. Jafar searches for the magic lamp, and Alice widely advertises the “location” of the lamp. It’s, of course, the wrong place. She wanted to mislead anyone else looking for the lamp. The lamp really isn’t all that important, but here is why everyone is looking for it: Alice will make her 3 wishes, because as soon as she does, the genie will return to his bottle. Jafar and the Queen of Hearts want if for the same reason, except they want to find Alice as well, so they can force her to make her wishes. Cyrus will return to his bottle, then the two evil plotters will have the wishes to themselves. Knave can’t swim, he screwed over and broke the heart of a fairy named Silver Mist, he once loved a woman named Anastasia, he and Alice ride a turtle because the “Ferry” was actually a “fairy” (Silver Mist), and she hated Knave. Cyrus taught Alice how to sword fight, they made out a little, then buried the bottle under a hedge shaped like a lion called dandelion. Cyrus is in jail, he plays chess with one of the tweedles… That’s basically all that happened!

New Review Style


So I want to start reviews for Once Upon A Time in Wonderland, because I’m behind on the regular one and this is the first season of this show and I want to review at least one show from the beginning, and hopefully as the episodes are coming out, rather than reviewing them much later as they come out on Netflix, like I’m doing with Vampire Diaries. Also, I am going to try a slightly different tactic with this show- I am going to watch the episode and THEN review it, rather than write my reactions as they are happening while I’m watching (my fiancĂ© said I should try that because I mostly have been rambling in my previous posts. Honestly, I think it’s fine, but there isn’t any harm in trying.) So I will keep my format for The Vampire Diaries, try this new tactic for Once Upon A Time In Wonderland, see which I like better, and any other shows I go over in the future I will use whichever I prefer. Or if any of you want to respond and tell me which you like better, I would not object to that either!